Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This ones written by Deb

turning to God everyday
Current mood: calm
As I sit here anxiously awaiting the birth of my first baby I keep thinking about all the possibilities that lie ahead for me. Primarily I am thinking about all the pain that is going to be involved and worrying about whether I am going to be a good parent. It was suddenly at work today that I realized I was turning to everyone else about things, such as how was your labor? what did you go through? reading all the magazines and searching online......

I realized that I had a fear. And most people have this fear in some way. It's the fear of the unknown and the fear of things beyond our control. Most people have this in the form of death, because when and how we die is truly beyond our control. And we all know where fear comes from! Certainly not God!

The point that I am trying to make here is that we are presented with fear of the unknown everyday. For me this is the fear of the birth and becoming a parent. Now I do follow God everyday but even this sneaks in for me. None of us are perfect. Included with the fear of an even uncomplicated birth is the fear that something will go wrong or something will be wrong with the baby. Even more on top of that is how I will be as a parent throughout this little ones life.

But today I made a change. I realized I was living and letting all these fears get to me. I realized that some of the things I was worried about were out of my control and I had to let go and let God take care of things. I understand that God loves me and wants the best for me. If I stay in his path and follow his ways I will be the parent he wants me to be for my little one. If I turn to him instead of all these outside voices I am calmed by the fact that He knows all and can lead me to where he wants me as well as my family to go to.

So today at work in the closet I turned my face to heaven and prayed that I would stop listening to these outside voices and start truly listening to God about this situation. I also prayed for the labor He wants me to have and that I know He will be there with me. God gave me such peace about this that I wanted to share it with everyone because I realize we all have those days (weeks, months) of worrying about things beyond our control. We just have to be reminded that we are in good hands and thank God everyday! Hope this shows someone else some peace tonight as well!



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