Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Xmas or Christmas

Should I spell Christmas with an X?

In today's society people are really easy to offend.I'm beginning to think that when you get
offended by something, you may not know much about it! Like for instance when you're trying to joke
around with someone and they get offended by what you just said! MAYBE it's because that person
doesn't know Squat about you.

Did you know that X when used to replace the Christ in Christmas, actually means Christ?!

Lets go through how that's possible for the slow "legalistical" uneducated ones. (sorry that was mean lol)

The english letter X is actually the transliteration of the Greek letter for the same X= "Chi."
So the greek spelling for Christ is- Χριστός (Khristós) meaning "the anointed". X is the english
sort of abreviation for the actual Greek word.

So before jumping down someones throat about taking the Christ out of Christmas.. maybe we should
actually study something first! Also.. the fact that Jesus was ACTUALLY not born in december may
be something else people need to go in depth about. When the Kings got to where Jesus lay, it changes
speaking of a baby into speaking about a Child. A small clue yes, but get in depth about it and you'll
see that we celebrate Jesus' birthday WAAAY LATE haha.

And may I just say, Don't worry about others taking the Christ out of Christmas,, worry about YOU taking
the Christ out of your whole LIFE!!!

SOOO by all means...

Kala Xristougenna (greek for Merry Christmas) ;)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This ones written by Deb

turning to God everyday
Current mood: calm
As I sit here anxiously awaiting the birth of my first baby I keep thinking about all the possibilities that lie ahead for me. Primarily I am thinking about all the pain that is going to be involved and worrying about whether I am going to be a good parent. It was suddenly at work today that I realized I was turning to everyone else about things, such as how was your labor? what did you go through? reading all the magazines and searching online......

I realized that I had a fear. And most people have this fear in some way. It's the fear of the unknown and the fear of things beyond our control. Most people have this in the form of death, because when and how we die is truly beyond our control. And we all know where fear comes from! Certainly not God!

The point that I am trying to make here is that we are presented with fear of the unknown everyday. For me this is the fear of the birth and becoming a parent. Now I do follow God everyday but even this sneaks in for me. None of us are perfect. Included with the fear of an even uncomplicated birth is the fear that something will go wrong or something will be wrong with the baby. Even more on top of that is how I will be as a parent throughout this little ones life.

But today I made a change. I realized I was living and letting all these fears get to me. I realized that some of the things I was worried about were out of my control and I had to let go and let God take care of things. I understand that God loves me and wants the best for me. If I stay in his path and follow his ways I will be the parent he wants me to be for my little one. If I turn to him instead of all these outside voices I am calmed by the fact that He knows all and can lead me to where he wants me as well as my family to go to.

So today at work in the closet I turned my face to heaven and prayed that I would stop listening to these outside voices and start truly listening to God about this situation. I also prayed for the labor He wants me to have and that I know He will be there with me. God gave me such peace about this that I wanted to share it with everyone because I realize we all have those days (weeks, months) of worrying about things beyond our control. We just have to be reminded that we are in good hands and thank God everyday! Hope this shows someone else some peace tonight as well!


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Is Suicide the Answer?


(read the whole thing before you say anything ;)

I just read something that I wrote a couple years ago about not wanting to live anymore.. sooo ..I know some of you, not all of you know my testimony, and know how I grew up.

No my life was NOT totally unbearable, nor was i addicted to drugs at any time and lost myself in an addiction. Nor did I live on the streets at any time. But I still thought about suicide when I was growing up. MANY MANY times.

Growing up in a home that I did not feel safe in was difficult for me and even if it was a struggle. I had to realize that others had it worse then I did and needed help more then I saw fit to help me.

That all sounds so sad and lonely. I was sad and lonely. I really couldn't tell anyone what was happening to me, or so I thought. So I started telling God. Shouting at him yelling at him. "Why Me?"

I think when we are going through things we turn inward because we don't realize that someone else may have an answer for us. OR a way out! I turned inward and let Satan totally take control of my surroundings.

Let me explain what it means to let Satan take over...

It's sort of when you give in the the "negative" in life. You start feeling sad and give into depression, You choose paths that are going to destroy you in EVERY way possible. The Bible tells us that "...the enemy comes to kill steal and destroy." When we start turning into things like depression, and start acting on our jealousy... this is "causes" Satan can use. Commiting Suicide.. is destryoing your own life.. and others around you... so.. who do you think suicide would be an answer from?

Satan may not have control over your life, but he can still get in there and tell you lies... like

"I can't do that!"


"I'm not good enough for him/her. them. that calling."

Satan is a deciever and a manipulater. He's there to "scare" you out of a life with Christ. Falling into his ways is VERY dangerous to your Life In Christ.

When I was younger every single day (like i said above) I felt like the only way OUT for me was to kill myself. It would leave everyone without the burden of me. At the time I felt like no one cared for me or about me. Of course I never thought that it just SEEMED like they never cared about me.

They did.

and they still do.

when a person is on the verge of killing themselves, they show signs of it.. they let people know. But it's NEVER the answer, it's never the true answer and it IS NOT the will of God for anyones life.

If you think about it.. when you take your own life, you've in turn took a trust in yourself that YOU Know how to handle the problem you'll just totally avoid it.

When we have problems in life.. it's best (i don't like it) but it's best to take those problems head on! It WILL make you stronger when you finally do get over whatever HUMP is in your life, They may seem like BLOCKS more then a bump.

There is a praise/worship song called, "Beyond the Open Door." It's an AMAZING song. it goes...

"Beyond the open door. Is a new and fresh anointing. Hear the spirit calling. YOU TO COME!"

A BIble verse states, ".. seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened..."

That sort of ties in all together with the worship song. If we're seeking Christ, and knocking at the "door" (Jesus) The spirit of God WILL in turn lead us to the door that God opens for us.

WE can not get to that place until we are diligently in prayer and diligently seeking Him

Before you think about suicide, understand that it's a selfish act. and it is unneccassary. God prepares us for our trials we just have to be earnest enough and relying on God enough to seek the answers from Him.

I've learned this over the years. This isn't some REVELATION I got tonight.

Feeling alone and vulnerable because your going through something heart breaking is very very painful. but it's not the end for you!

So.. to answer my question

NO suicide is NEVER the answer

Seeking God is!


Monday, January 7, 2008

Bit of my Testimony

bit about me
Current mood: accomplished

a little of my testimony
Current mood: impressed
Category: Life

I grew up with My biological brother Paul in a sexually abusive home. My adopted mother was oblivious to the fact that my adopted father was sexually abusing me. It's things like this that make children grow up to be bitter and destroyed. BUT I overcame these things with a little help from a couple things... Number one being Jesus Christ.. My Lord and Saviour.. The true Father!!!! What a REAL Father should be, loving, protective, caring, there for me. I learned who God was not from my parents but from two AMAZING BANDS!!!! yes you guys all think I'm nuts or something. but it's absolutely true.. Music can do AMAZING THINGS FOR YOU... if you let it, so my second thing was music...I grew up on DC Talk... and I'm VERY THANKFUL for the words of wisdom that came from their lyrics/music, and from the things they said.and did. They were older and much wiser then me in the ways of Christianity and Christ!!! They taught me a lot about Being Bold about my beliefs and about who I am as a Christian and a woman of Christ!!! I wasn't being taught how to be a true Christian at home..i wasn't being taught much of anything at home... The second band that REALLY played a huge part in my life through all those times.. was "The Brothers" (now Family Force 5)... Not only were they around my age.. but they knew Christ.. they knew about the spiritual of Him and understood God in a level above what I did at the time....Their lyrics were very comforting to me.. and saved me from such pain and hurt that was happening around me. I am VERY much alive because of this band and those three guys... they don't know it yet. but.. they really did save my life..I would literally sit in my room and listen to both of these bands and rely on there lyrics to get me through what was happening to me on the inside..No one around me knew the heartache i was going through (some knew but blew it off) the things that were happening on the inside was REALLY eating away at my soul..I didn't want to live anymore I didn't want to be me anymore I never did, there is nothing wrong with taking a cd/tape putting it in your radio/stereo listening to it and having it heal you. They were positive influences in my life...I'm a stronger woman now because of how music has touched my life.. maybe that's why I'm so drawn to musicians.. and how important they are to the world.. They're going to change the world. and they already have in many ways. I could never ever turn my back on ma boyz.. that is exactly what they are to me..I grew up with them in a sense...so don't step!! Music continues to touch my soul and my life. I think if it weren't for God bringing the music into my life that he brought into my life. I truly believe I WOULD not be here. I don't hold these guys up above who Christ is. and I never could. but I AM very grateful that God lead me to them.. It is very rare that something touches your life so deeply.. that you can not erase the pain and struggles it got your through, to those that music has NOT touched as deeply as it has touched me.. could/ and won't ever understand what it's like to have a band or two like this. I truly WISH and PRAY that someday.. i will be able to BLESS Toby, Michael, Kevin, Josh, Solomon, and Jacob as much as they have blessed my life...THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

