Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Walking in Love

Lately I've been learning more and more about Gods' love for us and showing others how much God loves them. But the thing is .. as Christians we're supposed to Walk in love..

back in 1992 Dc Talk came out with a song called Luv is a Verb. The dictionary defines love and a Noun. From elementray school we should all remember that a noun means it's a person, place, or thing. right? That's not how God sees the word love. And neither should Chrisitans. (or people in general)

There are so many christians that walk around giving hatred a name. Telling people that they are going to hell for something that they don't feel is right. Or turning their back on a friend for a little stupid reason. So we realize what we're doing to these people? Do we realize that as "ambassadors of Christ" we're showing them that's what Jesus would do?

Jesus would NEVER EVER tell someone who has chosen the life of being gay,, that they're going to Hell.. If you don't believe me.. Read the Bible! IF you come up with a verse that says and Jesus condemned them to hell becuase of their sin... You show me.

Walking in Love means soo much more than saying "I love you." Words are absolutely meaningliess without action. Jesus did the ultimate "action" of love by taking all our sin upon himself and dieing in place of us.. going to hell in place of us and in turn closing the door on death (Hell) itself.

We have a hard time walking in love because of our judgmental spirits. We want to show up others and make our selves feel better when we see someone else doing wrong. We want hurt them before they can hurt us. This is human nature(the flesh). We some times can't help ourselves but look at someone and automatically think they're bad or horrible.

Walking in Love takes, Courage, Courage to see someone the way God created them. Remember that God created everyone so if he Created everyone and He loves them and accepts them just the way they are, shouldn't we?

We want to "fix" everyone that we see. We see something wrong with them and want to change it. That's not the way Jesus taught us to love people. Jesus was never negative and He never nit picked. If he did it's not in the Bible If it's not in the Bible, we shouldn't make it up either.

Showing people Love isn't easy, especially if you don't get that Love is bigger than we are. It existed before any of us did and it will exist long after we're gone.

I have learned that loving others means accepting them just the way they are. Doing any less than that would be holding yourself higher than that person. Think about it you look at someone and say to yourself that person is not christian, or that person is not a good person..
Number one you're judging them before you even get to know them.
Number two you're looking at yourself and saying i would not be like that person..i'm better..

Sounds absolutely ridiculous.. but I do it too. You see someones problem and think.. HA I don't have that problem!

Heres' the deal ... You have other problems! Walking in love is about realizing that. Realizing that we all to through things and can learn from them. Someone may be on the road to "destruction" in your mind when in Gods mind He wants them to learn something to become stronger to see things from a different perspective than we do so they can help others.

Being there for each other= Walking in love. No matter who they are, where they're from, what they do, Be there!

Lifting each other up= Walking in Love. Yes... that person that you do not like who tells you they dream of being a super star...Encourage them... IF they're truly good enough (which brings me to the next point...)

Telling each other the tough truth= Walking in Love. Dreaming of a supersat and not having the talent to do it... You need to tell them that. but tell it to them with love in your voice.

Not being condesending= Walking in love. You tell someone they're not superstar material, in a way they understand why you're saying it. You don't want people to be set up to fail or fall.

Understanding each other= Walking in Love. Realizing that people come from different places then we do. They have different ideas about things because they had a different life and learned different things we did.

Tough love is probably the hardest love to give. We can't exactly give tough love to people we don't know. Tough love should be given to family members (that you know well) and friends. Don't walk up to someone you do not know, call them out on something (that you're not sure about) and call it tough love.

When you grow up in a Christian home, you have everything you could ask for, you have love in your home, you weren't abused, you got great grades and you're at a job that you like. You're not a partier and you pretty much found the right person for yourself. You see someone that is totally opposite where you are and automatically think awful of them.

Maybe they didn't have it as easy as you! You have had positive your whole life! you just bragged to them how well you had it. Walking in love would've been you realizing that they may not have had the life that you had. Maybe you could learn something from them.

We were all made differently, all made to see things in dfferent ways to learn from each other and to grow. We should want each other to be our best. The best we we can be! I'm not perfect I still have issues with walking in love but I want to be able to try and love everyone and see them for the person that God created them as.

Walking in love is about bringing out the best in people, not pushing past mistakes and screw ups into peoples faces. Moving on and letting go. That's what true love is all about..

Be Radiators,

"Love is patien Love is Kind, no words of envy true love is blind. Love is God that sent His son, Love forgives all we have done. Love knows when to let go. Love knows when to say no. Love goes in the light of the son and love shows the world that the Son of love has come."


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