Sunday, August 30, 2009

City On Our Knees

I'm pretty dedicated to helping heal the hurting world. Starting with the Youth/Teens. Most peole are hurting because of lies they have believed since they were young. It all needs to be rebuked and destroyed. God loves you! He accepts you! He Likes you. Just the way you are. I don't know how many people I talk/type at that feel like everyone hates them because of a few negative people in their lives. You need to RISE above that. Take Gods' hand and let him show you how much you are Loved. Kids I wasn't dealt a great hand either. I was sexually molested for years by my adoptive Father. That's not the real view of what a father should be. Father God is Holy. He loves you, He made you.. He hasn't left your side. All you have to do is turn to meet him and He's right there. I can help you see Gods' love. I know how infinite His love is. God is NOT prejudice. He loves you no matter what color, race, religion, sexual orientation, political views, or any other thing that would make you think God doesn't love you. God doesn't hold the junk of your past against you. He wouldn't know how to, He's that forgiving! We need to learn to be a "City On Our Knees" for each other-praying being there for each other, being the shoulder that ANYONE can lean on(not just your close friends). We need to learn to be there for each other. We have to start showing Jesus, The Real Jesus. Jesus was caring, loving, and non-judgmental. He knew Gods' heart because He studied his Father growing up. We should be doing the same thing. Study Jesus, Would he have told someone who is a different sexual preference that they're going to Hell? NO. he wouldn't Check yourself Christians! Check yourselves before You wreck yourselves. Watch what God your showing people, because if you're doing that, You ARE NOT showing My God to people. So your question is, Does God love me, even though im....?

Yes... He Does.

You can't expect God to help you when you have rejected Him Your whole life. But you do have to ask for His Help, He did after all gave us free will, He's not going to force Himself on you. Bu when you do finally turn and say "God I need you." He will show up, He will be there.

Because one day we will ALL bow before God The Father.

Be Radiators,


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