Hi everybody!!
Recently i wrote a blog on prayer. My main purpose in that was to encourage people to pray often. Even if it was just lifting up a quick prayer for someone God lays on your heart. To realize that prayer doesn't have to be a long thing... just from the heart.
There is something else that i feel needs to be said..something that i failed to mention.
One on one communication with God is very important. Yes you can lift up a prayer no matter where you are as the noisy world is going on around you. You may be able to tune those things out... but there is still a chance for interruption.
i have a 30 minute drive to work and back home everyday. These are some of the most valuable times in prayer for me . i am the only one in the car and i can talk out loud if i want.
Yes God knows what we need even before we ask. Before it is even a thought in our brains... He knows!!
So then why do we pray? When God already knows our hopes, dreams, fears, needs, wants, etc... why do we go to Him?
Because prayer is not for God to know us better, but for us to know God better...
By voicing our hopes, dreams, fears, needs, etc.... we put our trust in Him.
We are acknowledging to ourselves that God is in ultimate control. We aren't giving Him control... He already has it! But we are willingly submitting to Him. All this is for our benefit so that we realize in our minds that He is sovereign.
When we pray we are communicating with God. He communicates with us everyday through the beauty of His creation.
In Romans 1:20 it says " For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that we are without excuse."
When we pray we feel closer to God and we learn more about Him... His character, mercy, grace , and love. We learn these things as we put our trust in Him and then see how He moves in our lives. There are many times that i have looked back and seen God's hand in my life. As prayer has become more a part of my life i can often see God's hand in things as they are happening. i stand in amazement and awe of what he has been doing recently in my life and in the lives of some of my friends.
The more i have been faithful to communicate one on one with God the more i have been able to see what He is doing ... i am more aware of who He is. Prayer has definitely strengthened my relationship with God and draws me closer to an understanding of who He truly is.
So whether it is a quiet uninterrupted time or the chaos of the world is going on around me i can pray and know that He hears me, but i hear Him better when it is just God and me.
i would encourage everyone to write down some things that you are praying for and see how God works.When you go back and look at it later it will help you remember what you were going through at the time and let you see how God has worked in those situations.
"Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
God amazes me...may i never cease to be amazed!!
Big hugs and high 5's!
your friend,
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