Sunday, June 14, 2009

beauty is in the eye of the status updater

Hi everybody!!

The other day there was a status update that really caught my eye...

it said:

"Detachment is what allows us to so easily not care for our neighbor and attachment allows us to understand and meet the needs of those around us."****

It started me thinking that the times i feel detached from people, whether it be close friends or just people in general, are times that i am detached from God.

When there is something in my life that i feel bad about i pull away from God and from others.
Often i can slowly pull away from others without much notice. That is unless it is someone that knows me all too well. Then they will ask what is going on... when that happens i can either still try to hide what is going on or share my burden with them.
The thing is if it is a burden that i have brought on myself by going against what i know in my heart to be right, then it is often harder to let others know. i can continue to hide it from others, even when asked... but i can't hide it from God.

i went through one of these times about 2 years ago and when i finally realized that i had to tell the person i had wronged it was almost unbearable. i knew that once i told them that i would be able to eat and sleep again. It would feel so good to get it out in the open, but i also knew that the person would be angry and hurt. My actions were completely hidden from them at this time, so they were going to be pretty much in shock. But my conscience wouldn't let me hide it anymore. It was slowly eating me up inside.
i bought a book by John Piper called "When You Don't Desire God." But i knew that if i read it that i would have to change things in my life and i wasn't ready to let go of things and do what i knew i needed to. i still wanted to try to handle things my own way and pushed God aside...

While dealing with all this i was working and trying my best to hide my distress from all around me.
i withdrew the best i could hoping it wasn't too noticeable.
But as i said there are those friends who know us and love us enough to ask.
We were on the playground and i was walking around trying to keep my mind off what i was going to have to do... i had already decided that i had to talk to the person i had wronged but was struggling with the how and when. i was so fearful that my life as i knew it would be over.

One of my friends looked at me and asked "Are you okay?"
Oh no! Someone noticed... my emotions started to overwhelm me... i knew i was about to lose it, but i just nodded my head yes anyway.
She said " oh Kim"... she said those two words with so much love in her voice that i couldn't stand it.

We lined up the kids and she followed me to my room.
We watched the kids play and when i was ready i explained what was going on.
She totally understood.. she had been through the same thing and as we talked i felt a weight lift.
She reassured me that things would be rough, but not as bad as i thought.
God had used a friend that i didn't work that closely with any more, but yet she knew me so well.
God strengthened me through talking with her. i finally had peace about what i had to do and actually slept that night!

This may seem odd to some but when i have to tell someone something very serious i can write it down easier than trying to speak to them audibly. i know that if i have to speak that i will be overtaken by emotion and never get through it. The last thing i want is for them to think i am looking for sympathy or trying to get them to "take it easy" on me.

God had been working in me to change.
Well, once everything was out in the open God really started to work on this person.
Yes they were angry but mostly hurt.
God worked everything out and things are better than ever.

Over the past 9 months or so God has sent some amazing people my way through myspace and facebook and i have had the blessing of speaking with some on the phone and being able to meet some of them in person. Others i still haven't spoken with personally or met them but it in no way diminishes the way God has used them to change my life.

God has used several of these people to teach me the importance of reaching out to others and have helped me to strengthen the relationships in my life. They have played a bigger role than they can ever imagine.

i am so thankful for all my friends that have been there for me over the years and for these new friends that He has brought into my life for such a time as this.

We are to love God and love our neighbor... we can't do this if we are detached from God.
The more we seek God and strengthen our attachment to Him... the more He can use us to show His love to others.

""Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
By this the love of God is manifested in us, That God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:7-9

i have heard before that we can either respond or react to God and others.
Responding is positive. Say you are sick and you are given medicine.....
If your body responds to the medicine then that is good.
If your body reacts to the medicine then that is bad.

We have to decide if we are going to respond to God and others or react to them.

God amazes me...may i never cease to be amazed!!
big hugs and high 5's!!
your friend,

*****Yes it was one of Isaac's. i haven't mentioned him in a blog in awhile.
When i found he was on facebook i thought "oh i don't need to post his blogs/thoughts because everyone can see it" ... well not all my friends on facebook are familiar with him so from time to time i'll be sharing some things from him.
i still think he is one of the most awesome people ever!
God has used him to make a huge impact on my life.
i am very blessed to call him my friend and my brother in Christ!


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