Saturday, May 23, 2009

Prayer blog 1

As you will no doubt notice i wrote this awhile back....
When Chris asked me to help out with her project i decided this might be a good first blog to share.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

To pray or not to pray....
Current mood:Pondering....
Category: Life

Hey guys!
i have had so much on my mind lately. With me having to actually use sick time the last two weeks i have had alot of time to reflect on and ponder a few things... i have really slacked off on my blogs...
Not that they really are of much use except to me. Writing is very therapeutic and i also find that if i write it down i remember it!
i'm going to share several blogs.... not try to put them all in one just because as my friends know... i can get a little random and carried away once i get started.

So first of all i have been thinking about prayer alot for the last several months. It is so important and yet at times i find that i would tell someone that i would pray for them and then fail to. i have a question concerning that...
When that person returns and says "thank you so much for your prayers!"
What do YOU do if you have forgotten to pray for them? i have learned that it is best to humble yourself and tell them " i am so sorry but i forgot"
They will usually look at you with bewilderment, because most people will not admit to that.
Something that has stood out in my mind for years is a dear friend named Beverley Allen. Her daughter and i were best friends during Jr, High and High School and got into alot of trouble together.
Nevertheless... Mrs. Bev believed in me, even though she knew me all too well. But she also knew of my home life and the struggles there. She hired me at the Daycare when i was sure she would think about my past and hold those things against me.
By her example she showed me what grace meant... she showed me the love of Jesus when i thought it was undeserved.
Well, one day i saw her in the hall at work and asked her if she would pray about something for me... i don't even remember what it was about, but i do remember what she did! She stopped right there in the middle of the hall and prayed with me. i had never had anyone do that before and it made a lasting impression.
i know that not everyone is comfortable doing that, but you can let people know you are sincere when you tell them you will pray for them....

You can write it down and give it to them.
Since i have been on myspace and facebook i have learned to do this through messages. Make sure you have the right motive behind it.
You shouldn't do it to get anything in return. If you are writing to a favorite band you have to remember they are very busy at times.
Do not get frustrated if you don't hear anything back. That is not why you should be doing it in the first place.
Praying is out of true love and concern for others and to bring glory to God not to bring honor to yourself.
Sorry i had to say that because we are only human ...we sometimes have misplaced motives. Me included...
The only reason i share with someone what i am praying for them is so that they know i'm not just saying "i'm praying for you" but so they know i am sincere.
i have learned that if i realize my motives aren't right to just delete it.

Ask people to share prayer requests with you... just what they feel comfortable with.
The most IMPORTANT THING to remember is that when someone shares a personal prayer request with you... it should go NO FURTHER!!!
No one else NEEDS to know!!!
If the person tells you that you can share it then that is okay, but unless they specifically give you permission do not repeat it.
Not even to their other friends! Friends don't know everything about each other and that is okay....
Prayer is such an important part of our lives as a Christian but so many times we fail to do it.
i think one thing that keeps people from praying more is thinking there are certain things that must be said. God knows your heart. He doesn't have to hear certain words to make it "official".
Also prayer doesn't have to be planned.
It doesn't have to be long. Sure there are times you might set aside a time to pray for specific things. But for me... more often than not when someone comes to mind i just say a prayer for them right then. God knows what that person needs even if you don't.
So pray with that in mind... with knowing that God knows what we need before we even ask, and that He truly gives us what is best for us.
The quantity of words doesn't matter it's the heart felt prayer that means the most. The more you pray throughout the day the more it becomes second nature. It doesn't have to be out loud God knows our thoughts!

i am not claiming to know everything about prayer.... these are just some things that have helped me to pray more. It has made a really big difference in my life.

God amazes me... may i never cease to be amazed!!
big hugs and high 5's!!
your friend,


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